Usually done as a set of 3 sessions this can also be a stand alone introduction to biofield tuning. Conducted in person or remotely, this work helps to transform and bring coherence into our personal and family fields.
Half the time and cost of a full session these are done remotely and for established clients only providing additional support during times of stress or to help move through challenging experiences. Grounding and calming.
Meridians are pathways throughout the body which carry our life force energy. A Sonic Meridian Flush allows this vital life force to flow freely by using the sonic vibration of weighted tuning forks on acupressure points of the body, increasing energy flow, supporting the vitality needed to prevent illness and promote wellness. The forks are used at the points along the meridians of the face and body, and along the spine to mobilize stagnant energy and restore the natural flow of vital essence. The vibrations of the tuning forks through the body will relax muscles, support detoxification and induce a deep state of well being. It is a very relaxing and calming experience which will leave your body revived and energised
A technique that is especially useful for people who have overactive minds to those who feel depleted, as it refocuses scattered energy and thoughts. It helps to rebalance us into our center for improved effortless flow from our core. We feel as if we “know” in a gut sense instead of thinking our way through life. This technique is helpful after an adrenal reset to reset our vitality from being scattered. Like a gyroscope we have nested electromagnetic fields that can support us more effectively when cleared and anchored.
A technique that is used to tune a project or endeavor. It can remove obstacles and smooth out the process of a business or building project or and artistic venture. Whether the participants or the energy involved has a history or the participants are not attuned, a project tuning can clear and harmonize the collective field.
Halo Activation is a method to activate the pineal gland. This technique vibrationally aligns and strengthens the light beams that arise from the pineal 3rd eye center. This allows the electromagnetic energy to flow more freely through this center, aligning the heart and brain to have a more synchronized connection and clearer access to our imagination, intuition and creativity.
The adrenal glands are vital to your wellbeing. Adrenal fatigue is a term used to describe how fatigue and other symptoms are caused by a poorly working adrenal gland in people who are under mental, emotional, or physical stress.
Signs of adrenal fatigue can be - digestive and thyroid issues, sleep disorders, post traumatic stress, allergies and fatigue/exhaustion. A reset with tuning forks can influence adrenal rhythm, helping to restore normal adrenal function. A healthy adrenal produces a good, normal smooth rhythm, but a stressed adrenal makes a lot of noise, affecting the whole body. Nothing functions well under stress
Interestingly, this work can be conducted at a distance. Both client and practitioner act as if the body is on the treatment table and a session is conducted accordingly. The same bioplasmic patterns that would reveal themselves in person appear and respond exactly as if one is present. Clients who receive distance work express amazement at how much they feel in their bodies while the work is doing done and how different they feel afterwards. A one hour session is followed by a 15 minute phone or zoom conversation about the experience. Although our minds might not understand how quantum entanglement works when we feel a change in our bodies and experientially know something is happening it can open our mind to new possibilities.
It is recommended to doing a series of three treatments to begin with. The frequency with which you decide to schedule your appointments will vary depending on your unique situation. Many issues can be resolved or highly improved within the first three sessions however there are always deeper layers that we can work on and as a result there is no limit to how many sessions you can receive. Many enjoy monthly tune-ups as a part of their regular wellness routine.
It is ideal to schedule Biofield Tuning sessions at a time when you can rest and relax immediately following the session. The work is powerful and can sometimes take 1-3 days for the body to integrate the changes. Epsom salt baths and drinking plenty of water before and after a session is necessary. As your body integrates the effects of the work, you may have interesting and helpful insights in the days and weeks to come, the overall result being a more balanced and centered experience of your life.
Please Contact me via email or phone for more information or to schedule a free 15 consultation
Contraindications to treatment include: Anyone with a pacemaker, anyone undergoing active treatment for cancer or anyone pregnant. The work is not advised for individuals who are extremely ill or at the end of life as it can sometimes generate a powerful detox response. It is important that the body is well resourced to handle any potential healing response that follows a session. During a detox process one could experience flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, waves of emotion, loose stool or in very rare cases rashes or vomiting. Most people, however, report feeling energized and/or sleepy in the hours following a session.
The sessions can be alternated with acupuncture sessions and for that work I can charge select insurance as well.
Single sessions are $120 and last between 55 and 75 minutes. Your very first session may take a bit longer, so we plan for 75 minutes.
In order to get the most benefit from Biofield Tuning, it is recommended to book three sessions over a two or three week period. This will give you a good idea of the benefits
A block of 3 sessions is $300, a savings of $60.
Alternating and combining with acupuncture sessions can be very grounding and supporting
Distance sessions are available for the same pricing.